


The Lost Chapter - CD

Image of The Lost Chapter - CD
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This album features rare and never released songs from Red-Haze, during his short time at Strictly Native Entertainment now Westside Warrior Records. Red-Haze had already been running Shadow Hawk Entertainment before linking up with Strictly Native. Titled "The Lost Chapter" this album shows the humble beginnings of an artist.

Track Listing:
1. War Cry
Featuring: Btaka

2. U Better Recognize

3. Summertime
Featuring: Btaka & Red Suspect

4. Tribal Outlaw
Featuring: Btaka & Red Suspect

5. Don't U Cry
Featuring: Btaka

6. Unfadeable
Featuring: Syko & Eagle-i

7. Trying 2 Play Me
Featuring: Btaka

8. So We Don't Get Lost
Featuring: Red Suspect

9. Red Haze Freestyle

10. Drama' Out